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  • The project is located 128 km SE from Ovalle and 48 km east from Tulahuén

  • In Moly project  radiometric ages for various precursors intrusive events that vary from 13.9 – 13.2 Ma.

    • These characteristics place the project in the Miocene porphyry belt of Cu - Mo / Au, where some of the largest deposits in the world are located, including cluster Los Pelambres (10 - 14 Ma > 6 Bt @ 0.52% Cu, 0.011% Mo)

  • Other features of the target:

    • Road and access get the zone available

    • 1,238 m scout drillholes.



  • The property comprises 900 hectares of exploration claims.

  • Moly Project  neighbours are Mirasol Resources and Codelco.




In Moly project it is possible to see the following lithology:

  • Dacitic Crowded Porphyry, Riodacitic Porphyry, Granodiorite Porphyry, Quartz Monzonite and Granodiorite with an age of 13.27 ± 0.33 U/Pb.

  • An important number of tourmaline -quartz breccias that cut all previous units, with variable orientations between NS, EW and N60W.  They are intensely leached with the presence of hematite, goethite and jarosite.

  • Microdiorite is found cutting units with hydrothermal alteration.

  • Andesitic dikes-oriented EW are also observed, cutting the hydrothermal altered areas. No recuerdo haber visto diques andesiticos.


In Moly Project it is possible to see principally the following type of alteration

  • Propilitic: It is observed disseminated and in fine veinlets, mainly affecting the granodiorite and is characterized by the presence of Epidote, Chlorite ± Calcite

  • Quartz-Sericite: It is distributed throughout the study area and is associated mostly to tourmaline breccias, but it is also observed in the south of the study area, related to quartz veinlets with specularite. To a lesser degree it affects granodiorites and andesitic tuffs, also accompanied by tourmaline.  In the tourmaline breccias in the central part of the area of study, this alteration is accompanied by Pyrophyllite, indicating a more discharge of the hydrothermal system.

  • Argillic: It is observed close to the areas of moderate to intense QS alteration, probably linked to the migration of acidic supergene fluids from intensely altered areas. It mainly affects the plagioclase from granites, tuffs, and granodiorites


  • Mineralization is characterized by limonites and copper oxides

  • The limonites present a zoning with a predominance of the association Jarosite-Goethite, above Hematite, indicating the dominance of Py in the system as primary sulfide.

  • The copper oxides observed are chrysocolla filling fractures of the granodiorite.

  • As the granodiorite does not present hydrothermal alteration where we can see chrysocolla, allows us to affirm that its origin is of the "exotic" type.

  • Above these oxides you can see tourmaline breccia bodies and a strong Quatz sericite altered zone with jarosite-hematite and Qz veinlets.


The field work was complemented with 110 rock samples to geochemistry, being analyzed by ICP MS 61 and Au fire assay, in the ALS Chemex lab.

To analyze the data statistically, an average is first made of all the values ​​associated with each of the

elements analyzed and those values are compared to an "average Clarke value of the earth's crust".

The analysis indicates that the anomalous elements in the rocks of the study area, correspond to: Te, Se, Sb, S, As, Mg, Mo, Re, Bi, Ag, Cs, W, Au, Tl, Cu, Pb, Th, and Ga



  • During the summer of 2019, a drilling campaign was carried out on the north edge of the Moly project.

  • Access to the central and southern areas was not drilled.

  • Also the zone of Cu and Mo anomalies was not possible to be drilled because the topography is very steep

  • 3 holes equivalent to 1,238.85 m were drilled.

  • The MO-01 drilling had to be abandoned, due to operational problems with presence of a water table.

  • The campaign results was not very auspicious, However, the presence of weak veinlets of chalcopyrite - pyrite - bornite stands out in the MO-02 drilling, where the geochemical results show  Cu and Mo anomalies.

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